In short, he is far more mature and level-headed in the third film than in the first film. Moreover, after escaping the incinerator, he tells the others not to bother chasing after Lotso for revenge, as he is not worth it.
In the third film, he plays the Only Sane Man more than he has ever done before, and has the most reasonable, non-selfish arguments to stay with Andy of all. The movie ends with him and Buzz becoming friends due to putting aside their differences and Woody admitting that Buzz is a cool toy. In the first film, he is a full-blown jealous Jerkass toward Buzz, who tries to get him out of the picture so he can have Andy all for himself. Not only is Woody the one to come up with the toys' plans to try and get Andy to play with them again, but after they keep failing and the situation becomes more dire, Woody struggles to keep an optimistic face on for everyone. The Chains of Commanding: Shows up a lot in the third film.
These only sound when somebody pulls his string - the "sentient" Woody only uses the first phrase once in the second film and once in the fourth, and never uses the other two.
Catchphrase: Being merch from a TV series, he has several like "Hey, howdy, hey!", "There's a snake in my boot!" or "Somebody poisoned the water hole!". Everyone else assumes Woody is just body guarding him to feel useful and think he hasn't learned his lesson since the first film, but once they see how distraught Bonnie is when Forky goes missing, they realize how right he was. A more downplayed example in the fourth film, he tells the other toys that Forky is Bonnie's most important toy right now and she needs him. In the third one, he had difficulty telling the other toys that Andy really wanted to put them in the attic and not in the garbage.
The second one he insisted to Jessie and Stinky Pete that Andy didn't break him intentionally.The first movie he was trying to convince the other toys that Buzz was still alive and he didn't kill him.Butt-Monkey: In all four films, he is subjected to Cassandra Truth, and he rarely seems to win any fight he is in.
Buffy Speak: "Your helmet does that.that "whoosh" thing!". Then he becomes increasingly jealous and insecure. Break the Haughty: Whilst Woody tends to not rub it in anyone's faces, he is top of the heap and knows it until Buzz shows up and threatens his position as Andy's favourite toy. Brainy Brunette: Woody has shown to be quite intelligent when making plans, and his "hair" is painted a deep shade of brown. Woody: When it all ends, I'll have ol' Buzz Lightyear to keep me company.